Four Reasons Why Sex Is Such a Big Deal

“I could never take a chance Of losing love to find romance In the mysterious distance Between a man and a woman.”    -U2 As the saying goes, men think about sex roughly every seven seconds.  Sometimes it can seem like more frequently than that!  Whether that is the reason or not, our entertainment, our […]

He Who Rolls A Stone…

“Whoever digs a pit will fall into it,and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling.” — Proverbs 26:27 (ESV) By now you may have already heard about the news story broken by Rolling Stone magazine — a horrific tale of a brutal sexual assault on a female first-year student that allegedly […]

The Wisdom of King Solomon

Men:  We have to talk about sex. If there’s one area where millennials are stuck, this is it. The Water Was Dirty Before You Got In Now, before you conclude that I’m pointing my finger at you, please realize that the Boomer cohort gave us the sexual revolution and rampant divorce, and the Gen X cohort were […]

Why I Gave My Nine-Year-Old Son a Combat Knife

It was the first night of my son’s initiation into manhood.  We had hiked to the top of Pinnacle Mountain and beyond the boundaries of Table Rock State Park and made camp for the night.  After dinner, we sat by our campfire, and I began to explain to my son the purpose and the content […]

Why Chastity Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

“Chastity is the most unpopular of the Christian virtues.” – C.S. Lewis The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies of all time.  (If you haven’t seen it, go watch it now.  I’ll wait.) In a famous scene, one of the villain Vezzini’s henchmen, a Spanish swordsman named Inigo Montoya, corrects his boss.  Vezzini […]

Sex: Why Not Try Something Different?

Sex. It’s everywhere. And if you believe the media it seems that everybody’s doing it with everyone else and that everybody’s doing it but you. It’s worth questioning whether this is so. And even more important, it’s worth asking if this is what we were designed for. First of all, the idea that “everybody else is doing […]